This is a paint application written in 1985 that supports fonts and run-line encoding to optimize saved drawings either vertical or horizontal. Enjoy!
TRS-80 CoCo KeyPaint App (6483 downloads )TRS-80 KeyPaint App

TRS-80 Fan & Developer Site
This is a paint application written in 1985 that supports fonts and run-line encoding to optimize saved drawings either vertical or horizontal. Enjoy!
TRS-80 CoCo KeyPaint App (6483 downloads )With “cocotape” you can use a standard coco cassette cable to transfer files or games from your pc directly to your color computer.
CoCoSID is a program I wrote for the Tandy CoCo 3 that more-or-less mimic the sound of the Commodore 64 SID sound chip. The music used here is a hand-converted version of the original C64 Commando by Rob Hubbard. The DSK can be found here to play on emulation or real CoCo 3:
My homepage:
At the 19th annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! in Elgin, IL this past weekend (May 15-16, 2010), the guys at Cloud-9 had an FPGA board they were playing with, which was set up to act like a CoCo 3 (including support for GIME chip and BASIC and all that). In this video, they explain who is behind the project. It’s fascinating!
At the 19th annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! in Elgin, IL this past weekend (May 15-16, 2010), John Linville had a CoCo 3 playing full motion video with sound. It was a bare CoCo 3 with a Cloud-9 IDE drive interface (reading the data from a Compact Flash card, I think). This clip doesn’t have the sound up (I did not know it had sound at the time) but I will post a better one with an interview later. He also has a 256-color mode version which uses the recently discovered 256-color composite video mode.